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- /*
- ** $VER: LoadSavePicture.c V0.01 (19-06-95)
- **
- ** Author: Gerben Venekamp
- ** Updates: 19-06-95 Version 0.01 Intial module
- **
- ** LoadSavePicture.c this is where a picture gets loaded or pictures
- ** get loaded. Also saving picture/pictures is handled here.
- **
- */
- #include <datatypes/pictureclass.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/libraries.h>
- #include <proto/asl.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/iffparse.h>
- #include "IFFConverter.h"
- // Defining variables
- char * FileName;
- struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- BPTR LoadFileName_lock;
- // Defining prototypes
- void LoadPicture(enum FileModeType);
- static void GetAslFileNameLength(struct FileRequester *, ULONG *);
- BOOL GetFileName(char *, enum);
- /*
- ** LoadPicture(fm_FileMode)
- **
- ** Loads one or more pictures. When 'FileMode' is 'Single',
- ** 'LoadPicture' will load a single picture and displays it. In all
- ** other cases 'LoadPicture' will load the pictures, ask the place
- ** to save them, convert and save them one by one.
- **
- ** pre: fm_FileMode - Depending on 'fm_FileMode', 'LoadPicture' acts
- ** differently. When 'fm_FileMode' equals:
- ** Single - An IFF ILBM picture is loaded and
- ** displayed. User is able to adjust the
- ** clipping reagon and then save the
- ** clipped picture.
- ** Sequence - Loads a sequence of IFF ILBM pictures.
- ** File name is determined by a basename
- ** followed by a dot and then a number
- ** consisting out of 4 digits. You can
- ** select a clipping reagon for the first
- ** picture. All other pictures will use
- ** this clipping.
- ** Multiple - Loads one or more IFF ILBM pictures
- ** and saves them automaticly. No clipping
- ** is possible.
- ** Dir - All files in a particular directory
- ** are tested for IFF ILBM. If so, then
- ** the picture is automaticly saved. So,
- ** no clipping is possible.
- ** post: None.
- **
- */
- void LoadPicture(enum FileModeType fm_FileMode)
- {
- UWORD register Temp_Width;
- UWORD register Temp_Height;
- UWORD register Temp_Depth;
- ULONG register Temp_Size;
- LONG rc;
- struct IFFHandle *iff = NULL;
- if( GetFileName(FileName) )
- {
- if(iff = AllocIFF())
- {
- if(iff->iff_Stream = OpenFromLock(LoadFileName_lock))
- {
- InitIFFasDOS(iff);
- if(!OpenIFF(iff, IFFF_READ))
- {
- if(!ParseIFF(iff, IFFPARSE_STEP))
- {
- struct ContextNode *cn = NULL;
- if((cn = CurrentChunk(iff)) && (cn->cn_ID == ID_FORM))
- {
- long propArray[] = { ID_ILBM, ID_CAMG,
- };
- if(!PropChunks(iff, propArray, 4))
- {
- if(!StopOnExit(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_FORM))
- {
- rc = ParseIFF(iff, IFFPARSE_SCAN);
- if(rc==0 || rc==IFFERR_EOC)
- {
- struct StoredProperty *sp;
- if(sp = FindProp(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_BMHD))
- {
- struct BitMapHeader *BitMapHdr = sp->sp_Data;
- if(sp = FindProp(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_CAMG))
- {
- ULONG DisplayMode = *(ULONG *) sp->sp_Data;
- if(sp = FindProp(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_CMAP))
- {
- APTR CMapData = sp->sp_Data;
- if(sp = FindProp(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_BODY))
- {
- switch( RebuildViewScreen(BitMapHdr, DisplayMode, CMapData, sp->sp_Data) )
- {
- case RVS_Okay:
- PictureValid = TRUE;
- Temp_Width = BitMapHdr->bmh_Width;
- Temp_Height = BitMapHdr->bmh_Height;
- Temp_Depth = BitMapHdr->bmh_Depth;
- Temp_Size = ((Temp_Width + 7) >> 3) * Temp_Height * Temp_Depth;
- PicWidth = Temp_Width;
- PicHeight = Temp_Height;
- PicSize = ClipSize = Temp_Size;
- PicDepth = Temp_Depth;
- ClipLeft = 0;
- ClipTop = 0;
- ClipWidth = Temp_Width - 1;
- ClipHeight = Temp_Height - 1;
- // Mark as first clipping
- OldClipLeft = -1;
- UpdateDimentions(GD_PicWidth, PicWidth,
- GD_PicHeight, PicHeight,
- GD_PicDepth, PicDepth,
- GD_PicSize, PicSize,
- GD_ClipWidth, ClipWidth + 1,
- GD_ClipHeight, ClipHeight + 1,
- GD_ClipLeft, ClipLeft,
- GD_ClipTop, ClipTop,
- GD_ClipSize, ClipSize,
- GD_Sentinal);
- UpdateGadgets(GD_Save, &EnableGadget,
- GD_ClipWidth, &EnableGadget,
- GD_ClipHeight, &EnableGadget,
- GD_ClipLeft, &EnableGadget,
- GD_ClipTop, &EnableGadget,
- break;
- case RVS_PictureFailure:
- case RVS_NoWindow_PictureOkay:
- case RVS_NoWindow_PictureFailure:
- case RVS_BlackScreen:
- case RVS_NoScreen:
- case RVS_NoColourMap:;
- }
- }
- else
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_NotFound, "BODY Chunk" );
- }
- else
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_NotFound, "CMAP Chunk" );
- }
- else
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_NotFound, "CMAG Chunk" );
- }
- else
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_NotFound, "BitMapHeader" );
- }
- else
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_Fail, "IFFParse" );
- }
- else
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_Fail, "StopOnExit" );
- }
- else
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_Fail, "PropChunks" );
- }
- else
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_NoIFFErr, NULL );
- }
- else
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_Fail, "ParseIFF" );
- CloseIFF(iff);
- }
- else
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_Fail, "OpenIFF" );
- Close(iff->iff_Stream);
- }
- else
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_Fail, "OpenFromLock" );
- FreeIFF(iff);
- }
- else
- ErrorHandler( IFFerror_Fail, "AllocIFF" );
- }
- // Remember that when a 'FileName' could not been gotten, a message
- // has been displayed to notify the user. So no addtional actions
- // are required at this stage.
- }
- /*
- ** succes = GetFileName(FileName, gfn_Mode)
- **
- ** Gets the file name through an Asl requester. If
- **
- ** pre: gfn_Mode - Determine to get the load or save file name.
- ** gfn_Load - Get the load file name.
- ** gfn_Save - Get the save file name.
- ** post: FileName - Pointer to the FileName.
- ** succes - TRUE if 'FileName' has been gotten,
- ** FALSE if 'FileName' hasn't been gotten.
- **
- */
- BOOL GetFileName(char * FileName, enum gfn_Mode)
- {
- BOOL Retry;
- char * Source;
- STRPTR Destination;
- do {
- Retry = FALSE;
- if(AslRequest(Asl_FRLoad, NULL))
- {
- // Free possible allocated memory.
- FreeThisMem(&LoadFileName, LoadFileNameSize);
- // Get the filename length inorder to create a buffer which
- // will hold the entier filename, including its path.
- GetAslFileNameLength(Asl_FRLoad, &LoadFileNameSize);
- // Allocate appropiate memory for filename buffer.
- AllocThisMem(&LoadFileName, LoadFileNameSize, MEMF_CLEAR);
- // Setup 'Source' and 'Destination' for copying path.
- Source = Asl_FRLoad->fr_Drawer;
- Destination = LoadFileName;
- // Copy path of FileName.
- while(* Destination++ = * Source++);
- // Concatenate 'Path' and 'FileName' to make one name.
- AddPart( (STRPTR)LoadFileName, Asl_FRLoad->fr_File, LoadFileNameSize);
- if(!(LoadFileName_lock = Lock( (STRPTR)LoadFileName, ACCESS_READ)))
- Retry=DisplayError(PanelWindow, NULL, ESW_Title, EST_LockErr, ESG_RetryCancel, LoadFileName);
- }
- else
- {
- // AslRequest returnd FALSE. Check for KickStart Version for addition checking.
- if( SysBase->LibNode.lib_Version >= 38)
- {
- // KickStart V38+. Now we can check whether the user cancelled
- // the job, or a problem caused AlsRequest to return FALSE.
- switch( IoErr() )
- {
- case 0:
- // User cancelled the job.
- break;
- DisplayError(PanelWindow, NULL, ESW_Title, EST_AslNoFreeStore, ESG_Okay, NULL);
- CleanExit(RETURN_FAIL);
- break;
- DisplayError(PanelWindow, NULL, ESW_Title, EST_AslNoMoreEntries, ESG_Okay, NULL);
- break;
- }
- }
- // AslRequest just returned FALSE and pre V38 there's nothing we can do.
- return(FALSE);
- }
- } while(Retry);
- return(TRUE);
- }
- /*
- ** GetAslFileNameLength(Asl_FileRequester, FileNameLength)
- **
- ** Calculate the length of a filename from an Asl_Requester.
- **
- ** pre: Asl_FileRequester - Asl_FileRequester structure from which
- ** to calculate the FileNameLength.
- ** post: FileNameLength - Calculated FileName length.
- **
- */
- static void GetAslFileNameLength(struct FileRequester *Asl_FileRequester, ULONG *FileNameLength)
- {
- register UWORD i = 2;
- char *Source = Asl_FRLoad->fr_File;
- while(*Source++ != 0)
- i++;
- Source = Asl_FRLoad->fr_Drawer;
- while(*Source++ != 0)
- i++;
- *FileNameLength = (ULONG) i;
- }